Danielle Cook
Pool Party
Real Estate
Artist Bio
Danielle Lin Cook’s recent work explores the intersection of nature and technology, as well as her personal dependency on social media. Her everyday struggle to achieve natural living in her technology centered environment is both a source of constant guilt and inspiration. Her upbringing in Phoenix, Arizona has left her with an obsession with greens and blues, and a disgust towards the unsustainable environments and non-native flora of capitalistic first-world desert cities.
Through digital photography, Danielle creates clear visual narratives of human experiences and playful images of futuristic dystopias. Her stylized pieces are heavily edited to mimic the landscapes and colors in her dreams.
She is currently working towards her MFA at California College of the Arts and received her B.S. in Supply Chain Management from Arizona State University.
Artist Statement
My photographs frame a singular moment in a story by combining the human form with elements of surrealism and nature. These glimpses into a narrative are inspired by human experiences, fantasy, and the living earth around me. Their visual qualities take on the vivid images leftover from my dreams, which I take a few minutes to reflect upon and interpret each morning.
To create my photographs, I select or construct a location and use complimentary colors and natural lighting to set a visually striking scene around my subject. I often use my own body as my subject, to represent a character who embodies a universal theme or human experience. I then spontaneously experiment with digital editing to transform the base photographs into surreal dreamscapes with impossible concepts.
I am currently drawn towards greens and blues, and I find myself constantly looking upwards towards the sky.